Monday, December 3, 2007

Field Trip Coming Up

Dear Parents;

I am providing additional and repeat information from a flier that went home last week. The field trip must have permissions turned in by Wed for your child to attend.

All 5th grade students in Keller ISD have been given the opportunity to hear the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra on Tuesday morning, December 11th. This field trip is FREE OF CHARGE! In this posting, I will include links to inquire about various parts of the field trip. Click on the links for more information.

The field trip will be in the morning, leaving campus around 9 AM and return sometime at or around noon. The concert will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Keller.

Your children should wear nice school clothes. Due to the distinguished nature of the activity, we ask that all students wear their shirts tucked in for the duration of the trip. You do not need to send your children with a sack lunch, they will be returning for lunch at the school cafeteria.

Each homeroom needs FIVE Parent Chaperones for the field trip! Between Mrs. Schwartz and I, we will need TEN parents on this trip. We can have Too many, but not too few chaperones. If you have not submitted to a background check for the safety of our children, please ask me or Mrs. Schwartz about the forms necessary.

Thank you for your patience in receiving these little updates. Your interest and participation in your child's education is what makes everything I do possible!

Mr. Arroyo

Sunday, December 2, 2007

GradeSpeed Information


If you have not signed up for Gradespeed, I would like to encourage you to do so. A bit about it:

Gradespeed is a means by which you are able to access your child's grades via the internet. There are 2 forms that must be completed before you can access the Parent Connection.

1. Complete the Online Application:
go to Click on the CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP link.
make certain you enter a accurate email address since all Gradespeed communication will be handled by email.
You will need your student's ID number to add them to your account

2. Complete the form from the office and return it to the campus with a PICTURE ID.

I hope that you find this helpful.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. A.