Thursday, November 8, 2007
Composition Books
Please check with your children and inquire about their Composition books. Especially when it comes to their Science Journals, if they are torn up and/or lost, it will seriously impact their ability to complete assignments in Science Class!
Some of the students have shown me composition books that are in tatters, some almost literally a stack of papers. These will need to be replaced. I cannot stress, however, the importance of keeping their old journals. Students are beginning a 'library' of what they have learned.
Data that is entered into their journals will be called upon throughout the year so throwing them away is Not an option!
Oh, almost forgot! We are still (always) in need of GermX so if you happen to be at Sam's or WalMart, if you could pick up one for the students it would be appreciated.
Thank you!
Mr. A
5th Math and Science
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School, Room 2109
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Report Cards and More
Well, Parents, the day has come, that first 9 weeks' report cards. Mrs. Schwartz and I have sent home the report cards and, also in this packet, the first of the Behavior Report cards that your child has filled out.
On the subject of the report cards, nothing is set in stone. On one hand, most of the kids received pretty high, and good marks. Some are used to making "A's", some may have been in for a surprise. 5th Grade is different from their previous experiences in the previous grades. It should be a bit tougher.

For those children that are struggling, things are not too late to work on those problem areas in Math, Science, Language Arts or Social Studies. For those children that are not bringing their work home, I will continue to send these newsletters so you may question them about their work.
This Tuesday, they have their Report Card that has to be signed by the parent and returned, they will bring home a Green report card when I have their white copy returned. They also have a Behavior report, they are to have you sign and Return it as well. It will show their progress over the 9 weeks as they give themselves their Behavior grades (A-D) and we will Agree or Disagree with their assessment of their grade. We hope this will help them, not only to exhibit appropriate behavior during the school day, but also for them become more aware of their actions during the week.
Well, parents, now for your questions:
The children are working on some basic definitions in the classroom for science:
- Instead of just defining Mass, Weight, Solid, Liquid, Gas, etc, they are asked to Describe these terms and explain them. Ask them, at dinner throughout the week, to identify and describe characteristics of dinner, for example. Does it have "Mass", is it "Solid", "Liquid", "Matter", etc.
- In Math, we are dividing as well as continuing multiplication tables. Working on Multiplication as well as giving your child an opportunity to divide and estimate would help them in class.
- The next time you go to the store, take paper and pencil with you and have your child add up what you are purchasing and estimate how much it will cost using rounding skills. See if they can estimate how much it will cost after taxes? If they are able to round over the amount of the purchase, they have done a good job, if they round UNDER, then they need to try again.
I hope this finds you all well. This Friday we will be celebrating Veteran's Day. For those families that have made this incredible sacrifice of a mother, father, uncle, son, etc., Thank you so much for this sacrifice. Our nation owes you a debt of gratitude for what you have gone through and continue to go through by giving up your loved one during our time of need. I continue to hope they return home safely.
That is all for now....
Mr. A.
J.A. Arroyo
5th Math and Science
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School, Room 2109
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thanks for your help in this matter.
Mr. A