By now, you have probably, hopefully, heard that I have sent home "Parent Homework" again!
The response was so encouraging and exciting from the last time. I will post some of your incredible answers from the last time on the web site during the course of this week. Studies have shown that retention increases up to 90% when a student teaches the information that they are required to learn. Your child will be teaching you throughout the week and will be giving you a four question 'test' which they will make up on, or about, Thursday.
The assignment for this week is for your child to teach you about Math and Science! You and your child will have a choice of which class to test from. In Science, your child will be teaching about Matter and it's states. In Math, they will be teaching you about Median, Mode, Mean, and Range. In this letter, I will be giving you an outline of what you can expect to learn as well as some links to information to suppliment your child's teaching.
- median - The middle value of an ordered set of values.
- mode - In a set of numbers, the one that occurs the most.
- range - The difference between the largest and smallest numbers in a set of data.
- mean - the average number in a range of values
- Dividend The number to be divided
- Divisor The number used to divide another number
- Quotient The answer to a division problem
- Divisible A number is divisible by another number if the remainder is 0 after dividing
- Remainder The number that is left after dividing
- Division Sharing equally, making or finding equal groups from a single group.
- matter anything that has mass and takes up space
- solid the state of matter that has a definite shape and definite volume
- liquid the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape
- gas the state of matter that has no definite volume or shape
- mass amount of matter in an object
- volume the amount of space an object takes up
- density concentration of matter in an object
- weight measure of the pull of gravity on an object
- melting/ freezing point the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a solid
- boiling point the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas
- mixture - combination of two or more different kinds of matter, each of which maintains its own physical properties
- solubility ability of a substance to be dissolved
- solution a type of mixture in which one substance dissolves in another
classify matter based on its physical properties including magnetism, physical state, and the ability to conduct or insulate heat, electricity, and sound;
- Including: Physical Properties - Color, Shape, Texture, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density (relate to buoyancy - does it float?)
Here are some examples of questions that your student may use:
- What did you serve on Thanksgiving that was a solid, became a liquid, and gave off gas?
- Was there a part of dinner that had the most volume inside?
- Is weight and mass the same?
- What was soluble? Explain.
- Was anything served that was 0 Celsius?
- Was anything served that was 100 Celcius?
- Did anything served start at 0 Celcius and go to 100 Celcius?
- What solids were combined with Liquids?
- What did it make?
- What Mixtures were served?
- How were ingredients measured?
- Did you measure Mass, Volume, or weight?
Here are some ideas for Math problems:
- How many people came to the Thanksgiving celebration of your family? What was the Range of their ages? What was the Median age? What was the Mean age? What was the Mode?
- How far did they travel? What was the Range of the distance traveled? What was the Median? the Mode? the Mean??
I hope that helps. The idea of this exercise is for you and your child to enjoy each other's company. I know that the children really enjoy the "Parent Homework" and it has the added benefit of helping them to learn the material and enjoy learning it! I hope that this exercise will be something that helps you enjoy this holiday break even more.
From my family to yours, Have a wonderful break and Thanksgiving Holiday! Your child is a big part of why I am so thankful this Thanksgiving!
Mr. J.A. Arroyo
5th Grade Math and Science
Trinity Meadows Intermediate School