Saturday, February 2, 2008

Math And Science Journals

Dear Parents;

I guess I am back in force, huh? Well, I have a couple of housekeeping items for you to consider. I have a number of students that are complaining that they have no empty pages in their Science or Math Journals. I encourage you to ask your student if they need new journals and have them for them. I have told them, and encourage you to reinforce this at home as well, that they are responsible for telling their parents when they are needing a replacement. Neither you nor I can check how much paper they have left on a daily basis so they will need to tell you they need new journals.

As a reminder, these Composition Journals are a REQUIREMENT of my classes. They receive a grade for organization as well as content and their grades will suffer if they do not have one. I have told my classes this throughout last semester and things have not changed from one semester to another.

  • As mentioned in the last email, your children will, one by one, be bringing home a plate. This is to draw the phases of the moon. Only one child at a time brings home the plate to catalog the phases of the moon. I am sending them home in alphabetical order so if your last name is at the first of the alphabet question your child about if/when they will be bringing home the plate. This is an EASY grade which some have not passed already!

Okay, that is enough for now! Have a great weekend!

Mr. A.

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